o mar do poeta

o mar do poeta

o mar do poeta

o mar do poeta

terça-feira, julho 19


O articulista tinha previsto ir ao Tibete e ficar num mosteiro, em LHASA, por uma temporada, porém após exame médico realizado, o seu médico cardiologista deu parecer negativo, devido à altitude do local.

Guangzhou-Lhasa-: 56 horas 10 minutos; distância: 4980km

About High Altitude Illness

Adverse reactions to the high altitudes of Tibet are one of the biggest challenges in traveling there. However, if you are properly informed and prepared, high altitude should not be an obstacle to safe and comfortable travel.

•What is the definition of High Altitude?

- High Altitude: 1500 - 3500 m (5000 - 11500 ft)

- Very High Altitude: 3500 - 5500 m (11500 - 18000 ft)

- Extreme Altitude: above 5500 m

When acclimatization lags significantly behind ascent, various symptoms occur. Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) represents the body's intolerance of the hypoxic (low oxygen) environment at high elevations.

•What are the symptoms of AMS?

- Hyperventilation (fast breathing)

- Shortness of breath during exertion

- Increased urination

- Altered breathing patterns at night

- Frequent nighttime awakening

- Strange dreams

•Altitudes of different regions of Tibet

Lhasa 3658 m

Tips to avoid AMS

- Do exercise to improve your fitness before coming to Tibet.

- Try to avoid catching a cold (frequent hand-washing, etc.).

- Make sure to get a good night's sleep the night before flying to Lhasa.

- Avoid strenuous activity during your first day in Tibet.

- When arriving in the airport in Lhasa, walk slowly, take deep breaths. Take time to acclimatize.

- Ascend to higher altitudes gradually. DO NOT ASCEND ANY HIGHER if you begin feeling ill.

- Prepare AMS medication, in accordance with a doctor's advice.

About High Altitude Illness

Adverse reactions to the high altitudes of Tibet are one of the biggest challenges in traveling there. However, if you are properly informed and prepared, high altitude should not be an obstacle to safe and comfortable travel.

•What is the definition of High Altitude?

- High Altitude: 1500 - 3500 m (5000 - 11500 ft)

- Very High Altitude: 3500 - 5500 m (11500 - 18000 ft)

- Extreme Altitude: above 5500 m

When acclimatization lags significantly behind ascent, various symptoms occur. Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) represents the body's intolerance of the hypoxic (low oxygen) environment at high elevations.

•What are the symptoms of AMS?

- Hyperventilation (fast breathing)

- Shortness of breath during exertion

- Increased urination

- Altered breathing patterns at night

- Frequent nighttime awakening

- Strange dreams

- Do exercise to improve your fitness before coming to Tibet.

- Try to avoid catching a cold (frequent hand-washing, etc.).

- Make sure to get a good night's sleep the night before flying to Lhasa.

- Avoid strenuous activity during your first day in Tibet.

- When arriving in the airport in Lhasa, walk slowly, take deep breaths. Take time to acclimatize.

- Ascend to higher altitudes gradually. DO NOT ASCEND ANY HIGHER if you begin feeling ill.

- Prepare AMS medication, in accordance with a doctor's advice.

Resultado, o articulista, contra a sua vontade, terá que ficar por terras de Macau.

2 comentários:

Carlota Pires Dacosta disse...

A paisagem deve ser lindíssima, mas se o dr. aconselhou tem que cumprir.

Com o coração não se brinca, nem por uma grande paixão, quanto mais por uma bela paisagem, eheheheh

13 abraços!!!!

Prof.Ms. João Paulo de Oliveira disse...

Estimado confrade e amigo António Cambeta!
Parabenizo-o pela sábia decisão de consultar seu médico com o escopo de averiguar se estava apto para realizar a longa viagem!!!
Uma das vantagens da idade outonal é que não agimos mais por impulso e sabemos quando devemos ser prudentes!!!
Caloroso abraço! Saudações sapientes!
Até breve...
João Paulo de Oliveira